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    Have you seen anyone who got a postdoc job without a first-authored paper?

    User: sciencephd - 15 January 2020 19:22

    Quote From rewt:
    Can you explain your part in each publication? I agree having no first name papers doesn't look good but you can still get a post-doc with zero publications. I know a few post-docs in Science & Engineering who had no publications from their PhD due to some reason or another, so don't worry too much. There was also a lecturer at my uni in microbiology who had no first name publications when he originally got his lecturer job but had several second name papers in Cell and other high profile journals. So working as part of a large isn't frowned upon. Though I would still ask your supervisor about getting a first name paper.
    Hi rewt,
    So far the journals they chose don't require the authors to specify contributions....But thanks for telling me there are some science postdocs who don't have first-authored papers from their PhD! That makes me less worried.
    You could see up there (in my reply to Tudor_Queen) I said my supervisor's decision to use my work to complement other people's work has led to the situation that I can't write my own paper. I hope I can get more experiments done, but there's only less than 10 months left. I'm not sure what I should do.

    User: sciencephd - 15 January 2020 19:10

    Quote From Tudor_Queen:
    But will the publications be based on your own work? I am just wondering why you won't be the first author. I think that it is important to have at least one first authored one.
    The papers are based on my work and other people's work. But they wrote the papers, so they are the first-authors. My supervisor combined my work with others' work to make papers. I've got lots of experimental results, and I expected to write a complete story of all my results. But my supervisor prefers not to do so. He wants to use my data to complement other people's work so that the papers they wrote look like a more complete story. Now my data has been broken into pieces and inserted into other people's work, and the rest of my data can no longer form a complete paper itself. I hope I will work harder and do more experiment so that there'll be enough data for me to write my own paper. But my supervisor suggests me not to do so - I'm already in my third year and running out of time.

    User: sciencegirl3456 - 15 January 2020 16:26

    I am in a similar situation due to an issue of an author on my paper that should be first name. I am applying for postdocs and have had 4 interviews, my lack of publishing has never openly been said as a reason I did not get a postdoc. I can think of quite a few people I know who got postdocs without a first author publication in science.

    User: rewt - 15 January 2020 11:00

    Can you explain your part in each publication? I agree having no first name papers doesn't look good but you can still get a post-doc with zero publications. I know a few post-docs in Science & Engineering who had no publications from their PhD due to some reason or another, so don't worry too much. There was also a lecturer at my uni in microbiology who had no first name publications when he originally got his lecturer job but had several second name papers in Cell and other high profile journals. So working as part of a large isn't frowned upon. Though I would still ask your supervisor about getting a first name paper.

    User: Tudor_Queen - 15 January 2020 10:33

    But will the publications be based on your own work? I am just wondering why you won't be the first author. I think that it is important to have at least one first authored one.

    User: sciencephd - 15 January 2020 00:15

    Quote From Tudor_Queen:
    I haven't, but then I haven't seen every successful application ever made by a postdoc. I am sure it has happened before, but chances are lower. In my field at least. If you don't mind me asking, why is that you don't have a publication yet? Do you have any interesting results that you could publish? Even if you have one or some submitted manuscripts on your CV, this will look better than nothing at all. I'd say have a think about what you could publish from your thesis and ask your supervisor for their feedback and co-authorship.
    Hi Tudor_Queen,
    I expect to have four publications by the end of my PhD. But all four will be second- or third-authored papers. I'm not sure if not having a first-authored paper will be in the way.

    User: Tudor_Queen - 14 January 2020 09:19

    I haven't, but then I haven't seen every successful application ever made by a postdoc. I am sure it has happened before, but chances are lower. In my field at least. If you don't mind me asking, why is that you don't have a publication yet? Do you have any interesting results that you could publish? Even if you have one or some submitted manuscripts on your CV, this will look better than nothing at all. I'd say have a think about what you could publish from your thesis and ask your supervisor for their feedback and co-authorship.

    User: sciencephd - 14 January 2020 01:10

    I know that many years ago, PhD graduates without first-authored papers could be accepted to postdoc positions. But now the academic job market has become tighter. Have you seen anyone who finished their PhD in recent years (2017-2020) that became a postdoc without publishing any first-authored papers? Especially in science?
    My concern is, currently I don't have any first-authored papers, and my supervisor isn't planning on making me write one. I'm in my third year, and I'm very worried about this. I hope I will become a postdoc right after I finish all my PhD work and three years later become a PI in a prestigious uni (Russell group level).
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