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    Need advice about appeal procedures against the results of the university examination

    User: tru - 16 January 2022 11:08

    Hi, withhope,

    Do read the past posts by faded07. She fought against her examiners and won. It was a long hard battle. See her strategy.

    Do you have access to student union or postgrad coordinator's support? You will need everything you can get to fight your examiners. If you have access to lawyers through your student union, grab that. Do not tell your supervisor or examiners that you are going to fight their verdict before you are ready. They usually will close ranks and would rather lose you then lose their relationship before in academia, they are high likely to peer review each other and collaborate on projects.

    User: Withhope - 16 January 2022 03:03

    Hi Azhan,

    My area is in business management. Would you please give me some idea why it is not successful?

    User: azhan - 14 January 2022 12:59

    What subject niche is this in?

    All I can say is speaking from experience, most appeals don't become successful.

    User: Withhope - 14 January 2022 07:26

    I have had such a terrible experience in my PhD journey and would like to receive your recommendation.

    I had the first VIVA in December 2018 and I was given major correction. I was really upset because I received good feedback from attending the workshops and conferences. I found a friend who studied in another country and got the same external examiner, he said that this examiner was so tough and was not friendly to him as well.

    After that I seek more knowledge to improve my PhD. I discussed all the concerns with the experts in the fields. I have spent time more than 2 years (extending from 18 months) to do the corrections and resubmit my thesis regarding their recommendation. I also provided the examiners with a separate document explaining all of my correction. In December 2021 the examiners asked for another VIVA exam. I had mock-VIVA with my colleagues and my supervisors 4 times, and everything went well. Unfortunate, it appears to see that my VIVA was completely different from the practicing. The examiners attacked me several issues e.g. the literature review, methodology and theory instead of my correction. Some of the new issues were arisen during the VIVA instead of going through the revisions. I am also still not clear what is wrong with my research why they did not pass me because I followed everything which is the common practices. One of them only said that he disagreed with my approach. The examiners did not provide me any constructive feedback. I think they prefer a particular approach. Currently I am waiting for the formal report.

    They said they will give me MPhil instead of the PhD if I make a correction within 3 months. Mainly they asked me to remove the theory and resubmit it. This offer shows that they do not want me to receive even the MPhil because I have to revise the whole thesis and even re-analyse the data which will take a longer time than the given deadline.

    I am so exhausted with my PhD. I feel like the only few examiners have ruined my future career. I am going to appeal in a case that there are actual bias or unfair conduct of the assessment. I want to have a set of examiners.

    Therefore, I want to receive your recommendation if there is any possibility to win the case. Also, how should I make my appeal convincing? If you have any other recommendation, please feel free to share your idea.

    I thank you so much for reading this and your time. Any feedback would be very much appreciated.

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