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    What do you think of scientific editors for different publishing houses as a career path after PhD?

    User: rcty - 20 October 2021 19:00

    Thank you for your comment. Can you please elaborate on your last point? "If you mean opportunity for promotion and taking more managerial and executive roles, it might be because working in a leading scientific editor is really something."

    User: eng77 - 20 October 2021 18:57

    Hi. Financially I have no information. Intellectually it is somehow similar to patent attorney. It is wide experience not very specific like the PhD. If rewarding intellectually means doing something creative, I would not recommend. If you mean opportunity for promotion and taking more managerial and executive roles, it might be because working in a leading scientific editor is really something.

    User: rcty - 20 October 2021 12:49

    After PhD and/or postdoc, one usually have three directions to go to. One leads to a tenure track position, other industry related to the field or third where one changes the field completely. However, recently, I came across other jobs that require PhDs, and specific fields but is not typical industrial position.

    Scientific editor seems to be one such position. I have seen openings for this position on the Springer, Elsevier, Wiley career sites. How is it as a career path? Is it a rewarding career? By rewarding, I am referring to both intellectually and financially.

    Please let me know.

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