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    Corrections after PhD viva without scholarship or job

    User: Jamie_Wizard - 06 July 2021 16:22

    You're almost there. You've essentially passed, subject to the extra work on the corrections. Keep that in the back of your mind and just focus on getting the corrections completed. Wish you all the best.

    User: anne_with_an_e - 06 July 2021 10:52

    Thank you all for your kind words. I am trying to keep my morale high and focus on getting the corrections done. Hopefully it will be done soon and I can move on to better and happier life.

    User: Cat123 - 06 July 2021 10:30

    I was bullied during my Ph.D. and lacked supervisory support. There was a period of time during write up I had to take a break, I just couldn't look at the thesis for a while. Applying for jobs helped keep me motivated.
    I also had depressive episodes during the Ph.D. I took breaks when I needed to and then pushed on. You are at the final stage now, just keep going. You perhaps have little over a month to get the corrections finished now, so I would just focus on this now as much as possible, ignore any negative comments from others around you. It helps to have a plan for after you finish, perhaps reach out to your University Careers Service if uncertain about your plans after the Ph.D.

    User: MariaResearcher - 06 July 2021 08:58

    Hello Ann, how are you doing?

    User: Realwrite2002 - 06 July 2021 08:11

    Hello, I am really sorry about what are going through. Kindly do not lose hope. I feel that it is essential you find a way of addressing comments to ensure that your thesis look great. Also continue looking for work to cater for your expenses and meeting family needs. Create a balance between work and school. Everything will be okay. Kindly do not be stressed. Everything is possible.

    User: eng77 - 06 July 2021 07:06

    Quote From anne_with_an_e:
    I am in my fifth year of PhD (in the UK). I had my PhD viva in February this year. After that, I have been given major corrections and six months to complete them. My scholarship ran out 2 years ago. I am surviving on my savings and some part time jobs. I am trying to keep up my morale to work through the corrections but it's getting unbearable - I don't even want to look at my thesis. My PhD was miserable - my supervisor was not at all supportive. I have no papers out of my PhD. My family members are getting impatient because I bring no money home. My marriage is strained as money is strained at home. They seem to consider last 10 years of my life completely unsuccessful and a total wastage. Before I started this PhD, I tried doing a PhD at another university - didn't work out - lost 2 years there. I have kept myself afloat with part time jobs and scholarship all these years but I don't know how long I can do this for. I feel extremely depressed and fed up. Lost confident in my ability to get this PhD done and get a proper job. Feels like I am in a prison of stress.
    I guess I am just venting. If you have any advice, suggestions, thanks. Thanks anyway for listening.
    I am sorry you are going through this. It is understandable. You have good reasons to feel this. But look at the other side. The ten years will not be a failure if you have your PhD degree. You have gone far, go a bit further. The last few miles are the most difficult ones.
    Do you what is worse in searching for a job with PhD without publications? It is searching for a job WITHOUT PhD and also with no publications. Having the degree can help me telling a reasonable story about your university experience. It would be much harder without the degree.
    All you have told is bad a depressing. The best way to overcome this is to "solve" the problem. You have to dig in this dirt and get it done. Look at the corrections. Address them with best effort. Seek the help of a postdoc or another researcher, whom you have a good relationship. Get it done. This is the only way out it.

    User: anne_with_an_e - 02 July 2021 21:35

    I am in my fifth year of PhD (in the UK). I had my PhD viva in February this year. After that, I have been given major corrections and six months to complete them. My scholarship ran out 2 years ago. I am surviving on my savings and some part time jobs. I am trying to keep up my morale to work through the corrections but it's getting unbearable - I don't even want to look at my thesis. My PhD was miserable - my supervisor was not at all supportive. I have no papers out of my PhD. My family members are getting impatient because I bring no money home. My marriage is strained as money is strained at home. They seem to consider last 10 years of my life completely unsuccessful and a total wastage. Before I started this PhD, I tried doing a PhD at another university - didn't work out - lost 2 years there. I have kept myself afloat with part time jobs and scholarship all these years but I don't know how long I can do this for. I feel extremely depressed and fed up. Lost confident in my ability to get this PhD done and get a proper job. Feels like I am in a prison of stress.
    I guess I am just venting. If you have any advice, suggestions, thanks. Thanks anyway for listening.

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