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    minor error in Phd thesis spotted

    User: nervousme - 26 June 2021 22:00

    Quote From eng77:
    Just forget about it. Act as you see it for the first time if they spotted it. It is not rare that these things happen.
    Thank you for your reply.

    User: eng77 - 26 June 2021 19:19

    Quote From nervousme:
    Thank you for your reply. It does not impact the result in any major way, the result was supposed to be insignificant as compared to others as it is in the thesis. It is just a calculation error but I was feeling very guilty about it, although my supervisor or examiner should have spotted it. If I decide to correct it now it will be a big effort as my supervisor will make me re-do the measurements for this study, which is very difficult to do now and will easily cost me 3-5 months.
    I am just feeling very nervous about my defense as I am getting very anxious and stressed. I fear a few minor errors will cost me my 7 years of hard work. My supervisor is already threatening me that any mistake and you will lose your degree.

    Please help with some suggestions. I am very close to a breakdown.
    Just forget about it. Act as you see it for the first time if they spotted it. It is not rare that these things happen.

    User: nervousme - 25 June 2021 22:49

    Quote From eng77:
    it possible to do the correction and in addition change this figure? Does it impact other results? If it will be a big effort and it does not impact the hypothesis and main results, just ignore it.

    Thank you for your reply. It does not impact the result in any major way, the result was supposed to be insignificant as compared to others as it is in the thesis. It is just a calculation error but I was feeling very guilty about it, although my supervisor or examiner should have spotted it. If I decide to correct it now it will be a big effort as my supervisor will make me re-do the measurements for this study, which is very difficult to do now and will easily cost me 3-5 months.
    I am just feeling very nervous about my defense as I am getting very anxious and stressed. I fear a few minor errors will cost me my 7 years of hard work. My supervisor is already threatening me that any mistake and you will lose your degree.

    Please help with some suggestions. I am very close to a breakdown.

    User: eng77 - 25 June 2021 10:18

    Quote From nervousme:

    I have just got my Ph.D. thesis after reviewing it with external examiners. They passed the thesis with minor corrections subject to successful viva (which will be conducted next month).
    Now that I have incorporated all the minor points the reviewers asked for, I have just spotted a minor error where I have converted a number say 10 to the power of -12 to log incorrectly from a table given in the chapter to one of the figures (the table and figure are basically analogous). However other points in the figure are correct and match the table.
    I am not sure what to do? Should I correct it, I will have to tell my supervisor, and then she will inform the university and create a major scene.

    Please advise, I have suffered long in my Ph.D. Can this mistake cost me my degree?
    Is it possible to do the correction and in addition change this figure? Does it impact other results? If it will be a big effort and it does not impact the hypothesis and main results, just ignore it.

    User: nervousme - 24 June 2021 00:33


    I have just got my Ph.D. thesis after reviewing it with external examiners. They passed the thesis with minor corrections subject to successful viva (which will be conducted next month).
    Now that I have incorporated all the minor points the reviewers asked for, I have just spotted a minor error where I have converted a number say 10 to the power of -12 to log incorrectly from a table given in the chapter to one of the figures (the table and figure are basically analogous). However other points in the figure are correct and match the table.
    I am not sure what to do? Should I correct it, I will have to tell my supervisor, and then she will inform the university and create a major scene.

    Please advise, I have suffered long in my Ph.D. Can this mistake cost me my degree?

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