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    This Category: > PhD Applications


    Approaching Professor for a PhD

    User: Happygirl - 12 July 2021 10:19

    Thank you for the support from all of you. I have received an RA offer from a top university in Hong Kong=]

    User: rewt - 11 January 2021 12:34

    Sorry Happygirl, I have no experience or knowledge about the Hong Kong system. Though in general I would focus on learning the areas that personally interest you (makes it easier to stay motivated) and learn the key terms. You don't need to be an expert but confident enough to have a simple conversation about it.


    User: Happygirl - 11 January 2021 01:30

    I am from Hong Kong. My place usually ask if supervisor have funding to have a PhD student. Thanks.

    User: rewt - 10 January 2021 13:19

    Can I ask are you in the UK or USA? In the UK most supervisors do not have PhD money lying around but have to win funding. In the UK it is a lot easier to apply to a prefunded PhD than writing your own grant. I would definitely do lots of research for a prefunded application and you email the main supervisor asking more information about what is involved.

    Also, you don't need to understand the minute details of every paper at this stage. Having a grasp of the core message in the paper and the implications of the research would be enough.

    User: Happygirl - 09 January 2021 02:19

    I have get a lot of support during my lowest time in this forum. Thank you so much. I decided to apply for PhD or research assistant. But I am wondering how much literatures I should read before sending email to the professor. I tried to read some paper from my prospective supervisor but, due to my limited knowledge, I have to spend lots of time to understand the paper. Thanks. 😊

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