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    R&R and the nasty supervisor is threatening me

    User: Em89 - 09 November 2020 15:50

    I've replied to a lot of your posts. Honestly you really need to stop and take a breather. You got an R&R, that was actually major changes but R&R is the only option at your University. You say here your supervisor told you to submit, but you also say you think one of the major corrections actually came form your supervisor as they were wanting you to change something.
    The way you are going about all of this is really not showing you in a great light, I do understand you are struggling right now and you had a very bad experience of your viva, but you have to stop. Everyone right now is going through a tough transition period with the current situation, and just as you are struggling you never know how the other person on the end of your emails is feeling. 7 emails with that kind of content is excessive.
    You have not failed. You have a chance to get your doctorate, but you are putting all your time and energy into fighting everyone and everything connected with it. If you had spent that time critically reflecting on your literature review, you'd be in a much better position than you are now with your supervisor.
    I would email your supervisor for damage limitations, don't make excuses, just apologise and highlight that it was out of character and will not be repeated and that he is within his rights to take whatever action he deems appropriate (and if it comes to a disciplinary, you can then argue your mental state wasn't great but you understand why he took the measures he did).
    Next, I would turn away from your emails, stop focusing on it and speak to your therapist about all of this. you are clearly struggling right now and it's manifesting as lashing out.

    User: rewt - 09 November 2020 14:55

    It sounds like you did harass your supervisor. If you did send an email saying that he "destroyed" you, that is both rude and aggressive. You may have felt justified but no-one deserves 7 angry emails. Reporting you is a bit of an extreme but you sent the emails all by yourself and you should not blame him for protecting himself from abuse. I am glad you are seeing a therapist. You must feel absolutely destroyed but life goes on and you can probably still earn your doctorate. I personally think you need to take a step back and think rationally about all this, removing all the emotion. You have realised yourself that you acted immaturely sending those emails, so please don't do anything rash without thinking about thoroughly.

    Honestly, I can't say how this will affect you. I would try to apologise again in a few days and really grovel, so that he doesn't report you. Say something that you over reacted and that you have calmed down and don't blame him and would like his advice in future. I understand you blame him but if you stroke his ego enough he might forgive you and not report you. Being professional is a lot about putting personal issues aside and cold facing lying in order to work with people.

    User: PhoenixFortune - 09 November 2020 14:47

    Quote From Phd2020:
    Perviously, I wrote that my supervisor first phd student failed her viva and got an Mphil. I submitted six months after him and got Revise and resubmit. Although my supervision was poor but I guess the reason for this is the internal examiner and I tried to change this examiner but my supervisor never listened to me.
    After my viva I was at my lowest. I opened my email and went trough my old emails with my supervisor
    ( in one of the emails ,I was begging my supervisor to change my internal examiner because I was worried about this choice and the reply from my supervisor was ( You are worrying about nothing! ); I replied to this email and said this is the nothing that I was worried about and thanks for destroying me😭
    I went through the other emails where the supervisor was for example trying to push me to submit in three years saying I had enough, or comments were the supervisor mentioned I am meticulous.

    Anyway, I sent around 7 emails mai
    commenting about how I wad misled by him , I did not say anything rude or aggressive.

    Then the next day I have realized what I have done was totally immature and I sent my supervisor an apology and asked my supervisor to disregard all my emails

    My supervisor replied that this is an online abuse and harassment and that this would be raised to the university

    I am not shocked by my supervisor attitude as it is my fault that i did not change supervision from year one.

    Now I am worried about my R&r, my nasty supervisor and my whole life and I have already started to see a therapist because I was really at my lowest after the viva.

    Question is ; can my supervisor hurt me in anyway??
    Your thread title is misleading. You sent (7!) resentful emails to your supervisor, and they are within their rights to report that behaviour to the university. They may not be a good supervisor, but doing such a thing was very ill-advised - that is not the way to vent about things. You might want to look up the conduct regulations for your university to see what consequences there may be for you. If you have a personal tutor, you might want to ask them for advice, or even contact your student union.

    User: Phd2020 - 08 November 2020 19:05

    Perviously, I wrote that my supervisor first phd student failed her viva and got an Mphil. I submitted six months after him and got Revise and resubmit. Although my supervision was poor but I guess the reason for this is the internal examiner and I tried to change this examiner but my supervisor never listened to me.
    After my viva I was at my lowest. I opened my email and went trough my old emails with my supervisor
    ( in one of the emails ,I was begging my supervisor to change my internal examiner because I was worried about this choice and the reply from my supervisor was ( You are worrying about nothing! ); I replied to this email and said this is the nothing that I was worried about and thanks for destroying me😭
    I went through the other emails where the supervisor was for example trying to push me to submit in three years saying I had enough, or comments were the supervisor mentioned I am meticulous.

    Anyway, I sent around 7 emails mai
    commenting about how I wad misled by him , I did not say anything rude or aggressive.

    Then the next day I have realized what I have done was totally immature and I sent my supervisor an apology and asked my supervisor to disregard all my emails

    My supervisor replied that this is an online abuse and harassment and that this would be raised to the university

    I am not shocked by my supervisor attitude as it is my fault that i did not change supervision from year one.

    Now I am worried about my R&r, my nasty supervisor and my whole life and I have already started to see a therapist because I was really at my lowest after the viva.

    Question is ; can my supervisor hurt me in anyway??

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