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    Lectureship v postdoc - advice please

    User: bewildered - 28 June 2020 13:57

    If the lectureship was a permanent post it would look odd. Not so if it were a one year temporary teaching post. However, in the latter case, what is sometimes difficult is keeping up your research agenda, while doing a lot of teaching, so that you remain competitive for research posts.
    If you are choosing for next academic year between a temporary teaching post and a research post though, I'd stay on the research side. Teaching next academic year will be brutal for everyone and if you've not already got lectures written and existing teaching experience so you know how things work, it will be so hard. Teaching mainly online for more hours than usual (including at a growing number of places evening and weekend teaching looks likely), disgruntled and struggling students, working from home where possible so less mentoring possible and the physical risks of any face-to-face teaching. Everyone's dreading it. For a permanent post, it's probably worth it but less so otherwise...Although given all the redundancies being announced, permanent may not actually be permanent, but to be fair that's the case with most jobs at the moment.

    User: Walter_Opera - 28 June 2020 12:17

    I concur with rewt, getting what is commonly considered a "real job" is the way to go and represents the expected academic career path. Postdoc positions can quickly become a dead end from which there is no escape. Of course, being a lecturer and trying to perform useful research at the same time can be very stressful. However, be aware that this is the life you are signing up for in academia anyway. This is NEVER going to end.

    User: rewt - 27 June 2020 17:56

    I would say it is unusual to go back to a postdoc after a permanent lectureship. I think it would be rather awkward to go from full lecturer back down to postdoc but a temporary lecturer job might be less awkward. I have seen lecturers become research fellows, take research sabbaticals or get grant money to pay off their teaching time. So if you do get a lectureship you have more research options other than doing a postdoc

    Have you been offered a lecturer job?

    User: Tudor_Queen - 27 June 2020 12:53

    If you get a lectureship would it then be unusual / like a step backward to go for a postdoc?
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