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    Almost written up, but feeling trapped

    User: pd1598 - 16 February 2018 16:27

    Wholly agree with PM - jobs are in short supply, take it and tell your supervisor you've got a job elsewhere, so will have to make arrangements to submit.your thesis.

    User: pm133 - 15 February 2018 18:45

    I am a little confused here.
    Why would you think it was your supervisor's choice what job you took and when you took it?
    Just accept the job and let your supervisor know you will be leaving on a specific date. Do the thesis changes in your spare time.
    Absolutely no reason to feel trapped.

    User: bilbo012 - 15 February 2018 15:11

    Hi all
    I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but here goes.
    I've struggled with anxiety for most of my PhD, but it's got bad when my supervisors put a lot of pressure and guilt on me to write up completely in 3 months. Basically, it all came to a head where I just wanted to submit, but they felt my thesis wasn't ready. I was given another 3 months (until end of March). However, in that time, feedback has been very slow, to the point of non-existence, and I felt that I've hardly anything to do other than try give myself feedback. In the meantime, I was stressing about money, and although I was offered a part time job (which I thought ideal), I was told not to take the opportunity.
    I am still waiting on feedback from my primary supervisor, after literally running out of things I can do for my thesis. I have been offered another job, of which the PI would like me to start earlier (maybe end of Feb) but I have the feeling my supervisor will say no again.
    I appreciate that a thesis is hard to write, but I feel like I am holding up my end of the bargain without my supervisor holding up his, but he's still preventing me from moving on; he wants me to finish ASAP without actually helping, and also stopping me from actually looking for a job
    anyone else experienced this?

    PS I have to say, that other than this situation, all my supervisors have been helpful and supportive, and really do try to look out for me and my health, but I just feel a bit suffocated and not at all productive to my end go; submitting and moving on in the next few weeks

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