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    Doing Research Technician Job after PhD

    User: azazkhan47 - 11 July 2017 15:43

    Quote From Dtab:
    I know a few people who took research technician jobs after a PhD and they done great. Not only were they earning money (for the first time in years), they were getting loads of experience. They also saw what researchers needed and were able to tailor their CVs to show that they know more than just their own research field. Unless you really think that you will get a better job soon then I would saw go for it, it alwts seems easier to get a job when you have a job already.
    Good to know I am not the first one

    User: azazkhan47 - 11 July 2017 15:41

    Thanks to everyone here for their nice and honest suggestions. Your replies were very helpful in my final decision. I needed to know how it sounds to other and now I got my answer. This research technician job is for 6 month and then I am going to find a Post-Doc to keep research as my career.

    User: TreeofLife - 10 July 2017 10:40

    Personally, I wouldn't do it. I understand about the need to pay the bills, and I've taken other jobs to do so, but a PhD is not required for a technician position and it feels like a step in the wrong direction for me. I would find it hard doing the crappy repetitive stuff which no one else wants to do, which is basically what I have seen technicians doing. I know I wouldn't enjoy a tech position, because doing bench work all day is not fun for me.

    I think it's ok to do whilst looking for something else but I wouldn't do it for long if a research career is what you are ultimately looking for.

    I do know two people who did short term technician jobs after their PhDs and both have now gone on to do post docs so it definitely can be a short term stop gap.

    User: Ephiny - 10 July 2017 09:34

    If it would be useful experience then you probably should take it. Not weird at all to want to improve your skills while getting paid for it :)

    User: Dtab - 10 July 2017 09:27

    I know a few people who took research technician jobs after a PhD and they done great. Not only were they earning money (for the first time in years), they were getting loads of experience. They also saw what researchers needed and were able to tailor their CVs to show that they know more than just their own research field. Unless you really think that you will get a better job soon then I would saw go for it, it alwts seems easier to get a job when you have a job already.

    User: pm133 - 07 July 2017 23:01

    Since when did earning money become weird and why does it matter what other people think?
    Unless you have a better option you surely need to be worrying more about putting food on your table than worrying about what people will think of you.

    User: azazkhan47 - 07 July 2017 22:24

    I got offer for a research technician job. This is the 1st offer I got after my PhD. I am looking forward to accept the offer as I need experience in some of the experimental techniques and to boost my skills. Please let me know is this something weird doing a research technician job as a PhD? Thanks

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