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    Pets and working....

    User: Tudor_Queen - 19 June 2017 11:50

    I agree with the others. Just politely explain that you are unable to make it at that time and don't give a reason unless asked. I think it would be a bit unprofessional of them to ask you for a reason to be honest. After all, your stated hours of work are 8:30am to 5pm. In future jobs, usually the job spec would state flexible hours/overtime required if this is the case. You could always inquire during the interview (nice to have a genuine question to ask instead of trying to think of some!). All the best : )

    User: TreeofLife - 19 June 2017 11:36

    Agreed, it doesn't really matter what your reason is. You can work your working hours, but not beyond that, that should be fine to any reasonable employer.. Personally I would just say I can't make 8am meetings as my start time is 8.30 and it's difficult to get there before that. If they ask why, I would tell them the reason, but whatever they thought of this reason, I still wouldn't come in earlier. Employers often want far too much and give back too little. Are they gonna pay you for the extra 30 mins? How forgiving would they be if you rocked up at 9am when you felt like it?

    User: chickpea - 18 June 2017 20:21

    I have a chronically unwell pet whose needs dictate when I can leave the house, and I have found everyone to be very accommodating of this so far (and if they weren't, it would be too bad, as I can only do what I can do!). I guess you can give as much or as little information as you feel comfortable with when explaining why you can't do overtime etc - it's perfectly reasonable just to say you can't as you have other commitments.

    User: MissyL - 18 June 2017 17:46

    Apologies as this post is slightly off topic....and a bit embarrassing

    I am currently a PhD student and are going on a 'work experience' placement. Upon arranging the placement I was given an official contract 8:30-5 pm, which is no problem.

    My new boss asked for a meeting outside of those hours, at 8 am. However, I would be unable to make it as I have a puppy who goes to daycare whilst I am working (the centre opens at 7:30 and I would be pushing it in heavy traffic to make 8 am). I also need to collect her before it closes at 6 pm, hence 8:30/9-5 works well.
    I've managed to make arrangements so I am now available for 8 am, but this is nothing something I could guarantee each time.

    This has brought up a number of issues, obviously, I feel like an idiot, 'sorry I can't make 8 am, I have to drop my dog off at daycare'. This sort of thing seems acceptable for kids but not dogs...

    Does anyone have any advice for this sort of issue? I will be writing up and finishing my PhD shortly after my placement, and I will be looking for a 9-5 job, but I am left wondering what happens if my current placement and future boss ask me to work overtime and I can't because of my dog....


    Note: there are a few instances where I can get help with the dog, but the majority of the time I am the only one available for pick up and drop off.

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