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    Research assistant/ Postdoc

    User: satchi - 19 May 2017 13:36

    hi, are you soon-to-be a medical doctor who doesn't want to do medicine? I have a similar friend, he is a qualified GP but he wants to do business and he is always trying to sell me a product etc.

    Really sorry, post-doc means you need to already have a PhD. Post-doc does not mean post-doctor of medicine. I hope you can find a way to do something you enjoy. Best of luck

    User: cloudofash - 16 May 2017 20:02

    I am gonna have to echo the other people and say that as researchers, we dont believe you can get a postdoc without a PhD. Its a postdoc for a reason. As a post doctorate. Academic one, not a professional.
    Would a different country be an option for a clinical doctor?

    User: Selimonushka - 11 May 2017 21:18

    Unfortunately, I can not apply for clinical positions until I get a licensed certificate (ecfmg) which is required. In addition, I am not a permanent resident of the US.
    I will try to explain correctly. I will be graduating this year from my medical school. At some future occasion, I would eventually like to continue my education in the US, pursuing a residency in internal medicine.
    My goal is to pass successfully usmle exams, receive ecfmg certification and apply for a medical residency program in the US. For my opinion, the best opportunity is to do a research while preparing for the exams.
    In addition, the good things are I would have a visa support, get new lab experiences, possibly receive a letter of recommendation from professor and of course, I would improve my English skills.

    User: bewildered - 11 May 2017 20:15

    I think the others are right - an MD unless you've also spent multiple years in a lab doing original research is not the right preparation for a postdoc. Why not try for the clinical positions you have the experience for?

    User: Selimonushka - 11 May 2017 18:26

    Thank you guys for your advices! I do appreciate. I will try to learn more scientific experience.
    However, for my opinion, medical doctors (M.D.) can also apply to postdoctoral positions if they do have plenty of medical knowledge.

    User: TreeofLife - 11 May 2017 15:35

    I agree, you need to look for posts that don't require a PhD. As a postdoc, you are expected to do more than just know some lab techniques. A postdoc is a research position, so you need to have been trained in research ie have a PhD in order to do one. You should look for technician posts that are advertised.

    User: bilbo012 - 11 May 2017 11:56

    Hi Selimonushka,
    From your post, I assume you don't have a PhD? As you wont get a postdoctoral position without one. would you consider a more clinical post?
    I would try get more experience in labs before trying to get a job in science, as even as a third year PhD student, I'm finding it hard to find any potential posts post-phd

    User: Selimonushka - 10 May 2017 15:31

    Hi everyone,

    I am a medical doctor (IMG) from Turkmenistan. I will be graduating this year from my medical school and I would like to get a research assistant position in basic departments in USA. I am not a permanent resident of the US. I have a little scientific experience (skills: gel electrophoresis, PCR, real-time PCR) and much clinical experience.
    1) Would it be difficult to me to get a paid postdoc position with my experiences/skills in the US?
    2) Could you please give me advice how to get the position? I have already sent about 100 emails with my resume to professors of US universities, but unfortunately, there are many negative replies.
    3) Maybe I need some more laboratory techniques skills like ELISE, flow cytometry, e.t.c ?

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