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    Job interviews distracting me from viva :/

    User: Tudor_Queen - 01 May 2017 09:17

    Hi butterfly20! I'd suggest don't put excessive time and energy in to the interviews - set an amount of time and energy that you are prepared to spend on it, do that, and then stop.

    Re teaching postgrads. I have only taught undergrads, but I have experienced Masters teaching during my own Masters. The slides tended to cover a lot more ground. I remember thinking - we've had in two lectures at PG level for content that would have been spread over a whole module at UG level. But that doesn't mean cluttered slides/full of information. Just main points and the PG student then goes away and reads. Does that make sense? I would be happy to send you one of the Powerpoints from my course if you PM me.

    User: fallenonion - 01 May 2017 08:30

    I feel your pain. I recently had an interview for a lecturing job that wanted a twenty minute presentation and it was conflicting with all sorts of other work. What I found was I was procrastinating too much about it and neither the presentation nor the work was getting done. So I took myself off to the uni library for an afternoon and just said 'right I'm not leaving here until it's done' and gave myself a strict time limit. Did it, did my notes then didn't look at it again until the interview. Then, in the interim, I could get onwith other stuff. I'd love to say I got the job at the end, but I didn't, sure yours will be better.

    User: butterfly20 - 30 April 2017 10:09

    I've got two interviews coming three days before my viva, the other the day AFTER my viva. Happy days!!

    I wasn't expecting them at all, and they are taking so much time to prep for. I have to do a powerpoint on how I would deliver a module at postgrad level when I have no experience of teaching postgrads. I've not even done a Masters myself so I feel like I have nothing to draw upon, at all. They are taking up all my time and energy and it's hit me that I have barely thought about my viva cos of it. I don't have a clue what to expect, and I constantly have butterflies and a dodgy stomach thinking about it :( (sorry for TMI)

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