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    User: fallenonion - 06 April 2017 07:14

    Thanks tree of life. That's what I'm hoping, I guess it might just depend on the other candidates. I've got a doctoral research proposal in the pipeline with the uni I mentor for, hopefully that will stand in my favourite.

    Thanks for the encouraging response!

    User: TreeofLife - 05 April 2017 11:22

    Well done, Fallenonion! I wouldn't worry too much about lack of research experience - they have called you to interview so they can't be that bothered about that because you must have other qualities they do want.

    I think you should mention research goals in the interview, but it doesn't seem to be a big factor if it was only a desirable. I guess they will focus on teaching, your experience of higher education and general interview questions such as dealing with pressure etc.

    Good luck!

    User: fallenonion - 03 April 2017 21:50

    To my surprise, I've been called to interview for a lecturer job in the education department of a university. Happy, but no idea what to expect.

    I've got a lot of professional experience. Started out in TEFL and worked on political campaigns for DfE before my pgce, four years school teaching experience, then last eight years in FE. I've got experience of course leadership, training and quality assurance roles, and currently lead on staff development where I work. Also been a pgce mentor a few years now, the uni I do that with have put me on their books as an associate lecturer and I'm doing some work with them this summer on their initial teacher training program.

    My big weak point is my lack of research experience. My highest qualification is a Masters I completed a couple of years ago, I got a distinction and my supervisor recommend I do a doctorate. But it was just a taught course, and I didn't publish or anything. I've spoken to the uni I mentor for about an EdD and they were enthusiastic about a research idea I had, but I've not finalized and submitted the proposal yet, that was a job for this summer. Research was only a desireable on the person spec, and I meet all the essentials. I just feel like other candidates will have more in the locker than me.

    Any one out there have any hints / tips about how I should approach things, the type of questions I might get asked? Do I stand a chance, or should I just go along for the experience?



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