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    How to get into academia without a PhD?

    User: bewildered - 01 December 2015 20:20

    The person you cited has years of high quality public policy experience not just an MSc. That is what makes them hire-able. What do you have to offer beyond a MSc that makes you so outstanding that a department would risk hiring you without the expected level of qualification - that's what you'd have to ask yourself.
    OK you're missing quite a lot about what the job entails, which is why I think you are also romanticising it a bit.
    It's a 60 hour working week on average. I don't know any academic who actually manages to take all of their annual leave.
    You would be expected from day of appointment to produce 3* and 4* outputs for the REF - you would be trying to do this without any of the methods training a social scientist gets in their PhD, meaning this would be a real struggle given how central methods are now to your field.
    You would have annual targets for income generation that need to be met - there is a 12% success rate for the main funder in your area so a large chunk of time is spent writing grants which are not funded.
    You will be expected to produce research with real-world impact, which means devoting time to engagement activities (there goes another chunk of your free time).
    Then you have reviewing, PhD supervision (without a PhD you'd probably not be allowed to do that so would get more teaching/admin instead), presenting at conferences etc to round off the research side of the role.
    A third of your time is teaching - I am giving 40 hours of lectures plus seminars this year. That's quite a lot of prep. You won't only be teaching in your specialist area of course - particularly as without a PhD you'd struggle to claim a specialist area.Personal tutoring - that takes up a lot of time as counselling services are so over-stretched that a lot falls back to academic staff. Continued....

    User: IntoTheSpiral - 01 December 2015 19:51

    You've asked the question to a forum of users who are mostly pursuing postgraduate education. A large proportion of whom are toiling away at their PhDs in order to get the dream academic job. And sadly, most of us, despite the YEARS of low pay and sacrifice to get the job, won't actually get the job.

    No wonder we're a bit snippy about someone wanting to get the academic job without going through the hell that is a PhD! It's a right of passage into academia. And no, not everyone has one. The academics who don't are abso-frigging-lutely incredible. And have achieved a lot in a glistening career outside of academia.

    So, bewildered is right. Route 1) time travel. Route 2) be awesome. More awesome than you are probably imagining. Route 3) suck it up and get thyself a PhD.

    I say this as someone who is finishing her PhD while working full time. I haven't had a day off in 6 months (not even at the weekend). Hell, I only allow myself a max of 2 evenings off a week. And even with all that dedication, I fear my chances of getting the dream academic job at the end of it all are slim. So yeh, your post irked me somewhat. I'm guessing it did others as well.

    User: lentax2 - 01 December 2015 19:34

    Thank you for your help everyone, these were very considered responses. Bewildered, I have provided an example of a case where someone has attained the rank of Professor at a highly reputed university, showing that it is possible in 2015. Also, The Blavatnik School of Government, in an advertisement for one of their lectureships in public policy, also cited 'equivalent experience' as an alternative to a PhD. I don't have my results yet, so I have no idea whether I can get funding - I have a first at undergraduate but I understand a distinction is required at postgraduate level, too. The funding still won't be enough for me, which is a reason why I want to avoid the PhD route.

    My idea of what an academic job is involved is as follows - (1) producing high-quality research across a small number of specialist research areas; (2) teaching students; (3) contributing to furthering the discipline in which you work (attending conferences etc) and (4) performing any administrative duties as required. Is there anything that I'm missing.

    User: Eds - 01 December 2015 14:06

    Quote From bewildered:
    .I also wonder whether you have a realistic idea of what an academic job entails?

    Reckon someone's been reading 'Lucky Jim'...? ;)

    User: bewildered - 01 December 2015 13:47

    Two suggestions:
    1) time travel - go back to the 1970s when a PhD wasn't needed.
    2) Have a glittering public policy career and then try.
    If you are a strong candidate, then there is funding for PhDs in public policy / politics, but you need to be really good. Candidates for even research assistant roles in those areas these days will tend to have a PhD, publications and teaching experience simply because there's a serious large pool of un / under-employed people with PhDs in the field. With an MSc not much chance in academia, you'd be better trying the government route, if you don't want to do a PhD.I also wonder whether you have a realistic idea of what an academic job entails?

    User: pd1598 - 01 December 2015 11:45

    Or I guess you could see about teaching in a school or college and seeing about working your way up that way? If that's what you still want to do.

    User: pd1598 - 01 December 2015 11:44

    Get a fully paid up lecturing post without a PhD (or working towards one) these days. Or you could see about publishing something from your MSc, I'd say that's a minimum if you're not going to do a PhD.

    User: pd1598 - 01 December 2015 11:42

    It's difficult - Razzu had a glittering career beforehand, and probably knew some people. If you have very good results you could ask your current uni if they want some hourly paid workers? You'll be unlikely to 1/2

    User: lentax2 - 30 November 2015 21:37

    I really want to get into academia, but due to financial reasons, I cannot do a PhD, even if I were to get funding. I have a BA in Politics and will soon have an MSc in Public Policy, along with some experience in the field of public policy - I would be looking to teach and research in a government, policy or politics department. This is my absolute passion, and I think that I would be suited to academia for many reasons. I have noticed that some lecturers/readers/professors do not have PhDs, and if I could replicate what they have done to get into these jobs, that would be ideal. An example would be Giovanni Razzu at Reading University - ( a full Professor of Public Policy, who does not hold a PhD.

    Does anyone have any experience of this, and/or tips of how to achieve it? Thank you for any help.
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