Post Doc for Electrochemistry Research

    Inviting for outstanding scientists (Post Doctor/Associates, Government BP program)
    Job Title: Post Doc/Associate for Electrochemical Components/Devices (Anion/Proton exchange membrane electrolyte/Ionomer, MEA for PEM/AEM Electrolyzer), Rechargeable Batteries (solid electrolyte Li, Al/Zn air..etc.), and Photovoltaic Devices (Perovskite Solar Cells, etc.) Research

    The laboratory for Nanoscale Electronic Devices at Kumoh National Institute of Technology, School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship position in the field of “ElectroChemical Device and Component Researches” under a government Brain Pool program.

    Position Description Summary:
    1. Applicants must have a Bachelor degree in Chemistry/Physics/Engineering with a theoretical knowledge of the optical and electrical properties of semiconductors, and be within 5 years since Ph.D. degree.
    2. The course and research for Ph. D. degree involve the Nanoscale Electronic Materials/Devices based on Electrochemistry/Semiconductor and applicable for Photovoltaic Devices.
    3. Monthly payment: over 3M~7M KRW
    4. Additional supports for BP only: House Rent (Max 12,000,000KRW/yr), Airplane, Moving, and etc.
    Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae with photo ID, formal transcript, and diploma, recent 5 yrs publication lists of 1st author only with Impact Factor. For those interested, please send an e-mail () biography first to:
    Professor BeeLyong Yang PhD
    Kumoh National Institute of Technology (
    School of Advanced Materials and Engineering
    1 Yangho-dong Gumi-City Gyeongbuk, 730-701, Republic of Korea

    Tel) 82-54-478-7741
    CP) 82-10-3276-1705

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