Postdoctoral Position: Vectors, symbionts and pathogens

    Novakova group, University of South Bohemia, announces openings for a
    postdoctoral position in the field of insect symbiosis.

    Location: Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Science USB, Ceske Budejovice,
    Czech Republic
    Starting date: August to November

    Application deadline: June 30, 2024

    The selected candidate will be
    involved in the project entitled
    Vectors, symbionts and pathogens: a
    complex story of Triatominae microbiomes. The project main aims are to explore environmental
    determinants of the microbiome, its transmission, structural and ontogenetic changes, metabolic and immune interaction with host cells, and finally its interaction with pathogens. From the methodological point of
    view, the project relies on experimental
    manipulation of the laboratory colonies and extensive field sampling of US native species. It
    employs advanced tools for metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and high-end visualization methods (FISH and laser confocal microscopy, EM).

    The position is funded till December 2025 (possible extension).

    The Postdoctoral candidate must possess a PhD in evolutionary biology, genomics,
    bioinformatics or related relevant field. Base knowledge and ability to handle large
    data sets is a must. Candidates with solid experience in metatranscriptomics and/or
    prokaryotic and eukaryotic metagenomics are preferred. Excellent English
    communication at both written and oral level is required.

    Documents to submit

    • CV including a list of publications
    • Contact information for two references
    • Scanned proof of PhD degree
    • Brief description of prior research, skills, experience and interests (a single

    The project offers collaboration with two US partnering laboratories and the group
    supports highly international environment. Members of the group are guaranteed
    direct access to Confocal Microscopy facility, Electron Microscopy facility,
    MetaCentrum supercomputing facilities and BSL2 level laboratory. The laboratory
    is well equipped for high-throughput processing setup and in-house sequencing
    (Illumina MiSeq).
    More info on the group can be found here:

    Please submit your application electronically via e-mail [email protected] . The
    applications will be reviewed as they are received and interview calls scheduled
    accordingly. The closing date for applications is June 30, 2024. For further
    enquiries, please contact Eva Novakova ([email protected] ).

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