Post-Doctoral - AI-Driven Learning and Gamification

    Key Responsibilities

    Research and Development:
    - Lead the literature review on AI-driven personalized learning and gamification in programming education.
    - Develop a comprehensive framework integrating gamification and AI-driven personalized learning in programming education.
    - Design and develop the AI-driven personalized learning system.
    - Develop and tune AI models using appropriate learning algorithms.

    Project Implementation:
    - Conduct pilot testing in real-world programming education settings.
    - Analyze user feedback for system improvements.
    - Evaluate the system's effectiveness through data analysis and user feedback.

    Collaboration and Teamwork:
    - Work with a multidisciplinary research team.
    - Supervise and guide undergraduate students and research assistants.
    - Collaborate in research synthesis, publication, and dissemination.

    - Present findings at national and international conferences.
    - Publish in high-impact journals.
    - Engage in workshops and lectures for broader outreach.

    Application Procedure

    Applications must be in English and sent electronically as PDF files. Each file's maximum size is 10 MB.

    1. CV: (File name: CV, Surname, Ref. number)
    - Complete list of publications.
    - Previous research experiences.
    - Two references for letters of reference/recommendation.

    2. Cover Letter: (File name: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number) 1-3 pages including:
    - Self-introduction.
    - Summary of previous research and main results.
    - Discussion of qualifications, experience, and skills relevant to the job.
    - Description of future goals and research focus.

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