Research Fellow in thermodynamic modelling (PDRA3)

    • Application Deadline
      31 May 2023
      (application date has expired)
    • Job Salary
      £42,053 to £47,104 IUA payscale point 1 to 5 (in euro)
    • Contact Name
      Dr Emma Tomlinson

    A 3-year position is available in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, for a talented and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to conduct research in the area of thermodynamic modelling of mantle peridotite. The project is part of an ERC funded project LITHO3, quantifying the formation and evolution of the cratonic lithosphere. This project is led by Dr Emma Tomlinson and involves collaboration with Dr Eleanor Green, University of Melbourne, Australia.

    The successful candidate will undertake refinement of existing thermodynamic equations of state (EOS) for minerals and silicate melt, and will work to extend their application from 6GPa to the transition zone using experimental data collected by LITHO3 PDRA2. These EOS will be used to investigate komatiite melt generation and reactive transport during komatiite ascent. In addition, the PDRA will investigate developing a multiple reaction thermobarometer approach for garnet-free mantle peridotite allowing thermobarometry of the shallower parts of the lithosphere. The work involves at least one extended visit to the University of Melbourne for training and collaboration.

    The position is funded for 3 years, the successful candidate would ideally take up the position in late summer 2023. The postdoctoral researcher will form part of an enthusiastic team of PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and a research associate and PI. They will participate in regular group meetings (LITHO3 and the Irish Mantle Group) and have the opportunity to attend major international conferences.

    Standard Duties and Responsibilities of the Post:
    • Compile and select thermodynamic parameters for new mineral end members.
    • Calibrate and refine activity-composition models using experimental data.
    • Work with PDRA2 to investigate mantle melting and komatiite genesis at high pressure.
    • Contribute to the development of undergraduate and graduate students through supervision.
    • Disseminate results at international conferences and journals in collaboration with LITHO3 team members.

    Funding Information:
    The LITHO3 project is funded by a 5-year ERC-CoG grant to Dr Emma Tomlinson.

    Person Specification

    The candidate must have obtained PhD in petrology, mineral physics or a related discipline at the time of appointment. A background in thermodynamics and/or experimental petrology is an advantage. An aptitude for developing algorithms would be a strong advantage, but candidates with no prior programming experience will be considered if they can demonstrate confidence with numerical methods and an enthusiasm to learn.

    Knowledge & Experience (Essential & Desirable):
    • Knowledge of mantle petrology (preferred)
    • Experience with petrological modelling tools such as THERMOCALC, MAGEMin, PerpleX and Theriak-Domino (essential)
    • Familiar with data fitting methods (preferred)
    • Experience presenting results of research in written and oral format (essential).

    Skills & Competencies:
    • Evidence of productivity through research outputs and peer reviewed scientific publications.
    • Evidence of computational and numeracy skills
    • Prior success working in a team and/or with collaborators.
    • Interest in mentoring undergraduate and graduate students.

    Application Procedure:
    Applicants should submit the following documents to Dr Emma Tomlinson ([email protected]):

    • A cover letter (max 1 page)
    • A statement of purpose and motivation for pursuing this research (1-2 pages).
    • A full Curriculum Vitae to include the names and contact details of 2 referees (including institutional email addresses).
    • Evidence of English language proficiency (if required, see

    The applications are required to be submitted as one e-mail with all the requested documents attached in PDF format to the Email Address: [email protected] Please quote the following in the subject heading of the emailed application: “Application for Postdoctoral Fellow (LITHO3 – PDRA3)”. Interviews will be held online.

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