Postdoc in computational single-cell analysis in cancer genomics (m/f/d)

    Postdoc in computational single-cell analysis in cancer genomics (m/f/d) searched for Health Data Science Unit to work at Medical Faculty Heidelberg and BioQuant.

    Our 3-year DFG funded project “Modeling embryonal neuroblastoma tumorigenesis by activation of chromosomal 3D super enhancer interactions and genomic instability” aims at understanding at single-cell level the role of 3D genome architecture in driving the malignant transformation during neuroblastoma. We want to test the hypothesis that certain timepoints during normal embryonal development show higher susceptibility to oncogenic transformation. In collaboration with the DKFZ, we are thus planning to: (1) Complement our high-resolution scRNA-seq atlas of neuroblastoma tumors and normal adrenal glands with scATAC-seq and reconstruct dynamical single-cell gene regulatory networks. (2) Perform single-cell Hi-C on normal adrenal medulla and establish a temporal map of chromatin conformation changes along normal development (3) Identify perturbations in the regulatory networks driven by conformation changes. The computational predictions will be validated by functional assays based on hiPSC using CRISPR-induced looping and enhancer surgery in the division of neuroblastoma genomics. For the computational part, we are hiring an experienced postdoc in computational single-cell analysis for a 3-year contract at the Medical Faculty Heidelberg. More details can be found at

    Job-ID: V000010688
    Field of application: Medizinische Fakultät
    Location: Heidelberg
    Job Category: Science and teaching
    Working hours: full-time
    Limitation: Temporary (3 years)
    Contract: TV-L

    Tasks and responsibilities
    ● Perform the computational analysis and integration of single-cell datasets generated (scATAC-seq/scRNA-seq/scHi-C)
    ● Develop methods to reconstruct gene regulatory networks from the single-cell data
    ● Interact with our wet-lab collaborators and manage the coordination of the computational part of the collaborative project
    ● Participate in meetings and conferences and present the project

    ● Experience in computational single-cell analysis
    ● Experience in cancer (epi)genomics
    ● High-interest in a collaborative project involving computational and experimental aspects
    ● Excellent communication skills

    We offer
    ● Goal-oriented, individual training and development opportunities
    ● Targeted initial training
    ● Job ticket
    ● Subsidy for vacation care for school children
    ● Active health promotion
    ● Company pension plan
    ● Access to the university library and other university facilities (e.g. university sports)

    Contact & Application
    For further Information please contact Dr. Carl Herrmann via email [email protected].


    Applications will be accepted until 15/02/2023 via email [email protected].

    Medizinische Fakultät
    Health Data Science Unit – Dr. Carl Herrmann
    Im Neuenheimer Feld 267
    69120 Heidelberg
    phone: +49 6222 54-51249
    [email protected]

    We stand for equal opportunities. Severely disabled persons are given priority in the case of equal suitability. The University Hospital aims to generally increase the proportion of women in all areas and positions in which women are underrepresented. Qualified women are therefore particularly encouraged to apply. Full-time positions are generally divisible, unless there are official or legal reasons to the contrary.

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