Special Research Training Fellowship in Biomedical Informatics (Bioinformatics, Neuroinformatics and Health Informatics)

    The MRC provides support through a broad portfolio of personal award schemes for talented individuals who wish to pursue a career in the biomedical sciences, public health and health services research. These schemes range from studentships for early research training, through to postdoctoral research training fellowships and career development opportunities for more senior investigators.

    This fellowship provides specialist multidisciplinary research training aimed at creating highly skilled researchers able to take forward new developments in the fields of bioinformatics, neuroinformatics, health informatics and computational biology. The special fellowship also provides the opportunity to further enhance research training by allowing Fellows to undertake a Masters degree in full or in part, or other taught courses during the fellowship and/or spend up to one year in an overseas research centre, a second UK research centre or in UK industry.

    Who can apply?

    The fellowship is aimed at those with non-biological, biological, non-clinical or clinical backgrounds who wish to undertake training and research in biomedical informatics. Applications are encouraged from those with advanced training in the physical or mathematical sciences or in information technology, who wish to apply their expertise to biomedical problems. Science graduates should hold either a PhD or DPhil in a relevant discipline or expect to have received their doctorate by the time they intend to take up the award. Medical and dental applicants holding a
    PhD can apply at any stage in their careers from immediately post-registration up to specialist registrar grade or be at the equivalent level in general practice or dentistry.

    What funding is provided?

    An MRC Special Research Training Fellowship in Biomedical Informatics is usually awarded for three years but can be four years where there is special justification. The fellowship provides the fellow’s personal salary, research training support costs (for example, for taught statistics courses), annual travel costs, and all other relevant costs under Full Economic Costs. Support is also available where a period of training at an overseas/second UK/UK industry research centre forms a critical part of your proposal. All applications must include a formal training component in addition to a research project.

    As part of the Council’s Equal Opportunities policy, consideration will be given to applicants returning to science following a career break. There are no age limits for any of our schemes and all fellowships may be held part-time to accommodate domestic responsibilities.

    ‘Leading Science for Better Health’ MRC is a equal opportunity employer.

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