Postdoctoral research associate, population biology

    Synchrony in Metapopulations at Multiple Time scales: Theory, Experiments, and Field Data

    A postdoctoral position will be available for three years from Autumn 2011 to research metapopulation dynamics and synchrony in the laboratory of Dr Daniel Reuman. The post will be funded as part of a Natural Environment Research Council grant. The post will be based in the Division of Biology at Silwood Park, Imperial College London.

    The successful candidate will study metapopulation dynamics of several field and laboratory species. Coincident temporal variation in the abundances of spatially separated populations is called population synchrony; it has been detected in many species of insects, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals and other clades, even at large distances. Synchrony has conservation implications: a metapopulation with component populations fluctuating in synchrony is vulnerable to extinction because populations are simultaneously rare. Synchrony is thought to have two main causes: dispersal and spatial synchrony of environmental variables (called the “Moran effect”). What combination of these and other mechanisms operates is a major current research question. The effects of climate change on synchrony are little understood. The position is part of a larger project entitled “Synchrony in Metapopulations at Multiple Time scales: Theory, Experiments, and Field Data.” The successful candidate is likely to become involved in all of the theoretical, experimental and data-analysis components of the overall project. As well as working with Dr Reuman and other members of his laboratory, the position will involve collaboration with an international team including Dr R. Harrington of Rothamsted Research, Prof. R. Costantino of the University of Arizona,Prof. R. Desharnais of California State University, Prof. J. Cohen of Rockefeller University, and Prof. C. Reid of the University of Plymouth and the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science. This is consequently an excellent opportunity to be involved in the development of a major research project.

    The successful candidate will have a PhD in a field of quantitative biology or mathematics/statistics or a related discipline in the physical or life sciences, and a background in developing or applying theory or performing statistical analyses. Experience of working as part of a multi-disciplinary team is desirable.

    Further details, including application details, can be found at The closing date is 25th March 2011. Dates are subject to change if NERC funding is modified or delayed. This is a summary announcement; the official announcement will be linked from the above-listed website.

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