Predoctoral position in the Laboratory of Dr. Jérôme Solon

    CRG Programme: Cell and Developmental Biology
    CRG Group: Biomechanics of Morphogenesis
    Ref. CDB-JS-PREDOC-3-011210
    The Institute:
    The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is an innovative centre created in December 2000 and located in the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). The objective of the CRG is to promote excellent basic research in biomedicine and, particularly, in the genomic and proteomic fields.
    For more information visit our website

    Post Description:
    A predoctoral position is available in the group of Jérôme Solon in the Cell and Developmental Biology programme at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona.
    Our lab focuses on the mechanisms at the origin of force generation and tissue movement coordination during morphogenesis. We are using Drosophila melanogaster embryogenesis as a model system to study morphogenetic processes. In particular, we study Dorsal Closure, a wound healing-related process.
    Our lab is interested in understanding the cellular mechanisms and the forces driving the process.
    We employ an interdisciplinary approach combining genetics, state-of-the-art microscopy, image processing and biophysical modeling.
    We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work in a young multidisciplinary environment. The position requires experience either in theoritical biophysics to develop new tools in image processing / data analysis and novel models of contractile tissue or in experimental biophysics or Drosophila genetics to develop and apply new high-resolution live imaging techniques to the study of movement coordination
    during morphogenesis.

    • Starting date: The predoctoral position is available from January 2011.
    • A very competitive salary will be provided, which will be well matched relative to the cost of living in Barcelona, and adjusted according to experience.

    Application procedure:
    All applications must include a presentation letter including motivation, summary of research experience, a full CV and contact information of 2-3 referees.
    Please submit your application by email, indicating the offer reference in the subject message, to the following addresses: [email protected]

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