Background The aim of the project is to investigate how experience and behaviour shape the brain throughout life, the impact that experience has on brain structure and how behaviour as a source of experience can impact it further. We aim to discover and test underlying molecular mechanisms that regulate structural brain plasticity and neurodegeneration, and link molecules to cells, neural circuits, neurites, synapses and behaviour. This project will use only the fruit-fly Drosophila as a model organism. This post focuses on behavioural neurogenetics of Drosophila adult, analysis and manipulation of neural circuits with confocal microscopy and could include molecular biology to generate transgenic tools.
This project is integrated into a larger project involving two other postdocs, within a Welcome Trust funded research programme led by Professor A Hidalgo into “A molecular switch between structural brain plasticity and neurodegeneration”. This overall project builds on our findings on structural plasticity, Drosophila neurotrophins and their Toll and Trk-like Kek receptors, from e.g. Foldi et al 2017 J Cell Biol 216, 1421; Li et al 2020 eLife 9:e52743; Sun et al 2024 eLife 13:RP102222.
Role Summary
Work within the Wellcome Trust Investigator Award research grant into “A molecular switch between structural brain plasticity and degeneration”, directed by Professor Alicia Hidalgo Operate within the area of behavioural neurogenetics of Drosophila. This requires expertise in setting up and analysing behavioural tests, using appropriate analytical methods and software and skills in coding in e.g. R, MatLab, R, Python. Operate using other Drosophila methods, such as genetics, immunostainings, laser scanning confocal microscopy and imaging. Design, plan and execute research experiments in the above areas and obtain research findings. Analyse and interpret research results and findings from the project, using automatic methods with appropriate software. Supervise and teach other members of the research team and openly share expertise knowledge with team members Collaborate with other two post-docs working in this research programme, to deliver on project aims. Contribute to writing funding bids as and if appropriate, e.g. by generating preliminary data for funding bids by the PI. Contribute to licensing or spin out deals with demonstrated commercial success (such as IP generated), should the opportunity emerge. Contribute to the public understanding of neuroscience, by participating in outreach and public engagement activities. Main Duties
Work under the direct supervision of Professor Alicia Hidalgo, to carry out experiments, trouble-shoot, generate and analyse data, to deliver on this Wellcome Trust funded research project aims. Focus on, adapt, learn new methods and develop research objectives and engage in the intellectual aspects of the project, to enable cutting edge discoveries, under guidance of Professor Hidalgo. Design, plan and execute experiments to generate data for the project and analyse and interpret data. Collect research data through a variety of research methods, including scientific experimentation and keeping up with the relevant literature. Contribute to developing new experiments, techniques and methods, to trouble shooting and optimising protocols to ensure experiments run smoothly and to find creative solutions to solve scientific problems. Periodically and regularly write findings with figures to facilitate preparation of research publications. Apply knowledge and critical thinking to develop new intellectual understanding. Deal and aim to resolve problems that may affect the achievement of research objectives and meeting project deadlines. Disseminate research findings for publication, research seminars and other presentations, together with Prof Hidalgo and other team members. This includes contributing to writing research papers and reviews, attending conferences (could be abroad) and presenting talks and posters, and giving periodic presentation of progress reports at group meetings. Contribute to writing bids for research funding, including the generation of preliminary data for funding bids by the PI. Supervise students (undergraduate, Masters, PhD students) on research related work and provide guidance to other lab members. Provide guidance, as required, to support staff and any students who may be assisting with the research, contributing to the lab scientific, cooperative, culture. Undertake management/administration arising from research as required (e.g. writing reports, writing lab protocols, curate data in digital platforms, etc). Undertake careful and regular data management and curation, of own data and of students’ or other team members’ data that work under their supervision. Contribute to Departmental/School research-related activities and research-related administration, as/if required. Contribute to public engagement activities of manifest benefit to the School, College, University and Hidalgo Lab, under supervision of project leader Prof. A Hidalgo. This can involve presentations for the public, hands-on events for the public such as in the science museum, school visits, videos and zoom interactions, etc. Participate in outreach activities to disseminate research findings to a wider public. Promote equality and values diversity acting as a role model and fostering an inclusive working culture.
Person Specification
First degree in Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience or related Life Sciences disciplines and a PhD (or near to completion) in Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience or related Life Sciences disciplines and/or equivalent research experience, are required. Experience and skills in working with and coding in appropriate software for analysis of behaviour, e.g. R, MatLab and/or related, data curation and storage in open source sites, access to platforms and databases are desirable. Experience working with Drosophila behavioural neurogenetics would be an advantage. Skills in immunohystochemistry, laser scanning confocal microscopy and imaging. High level analytical capability and understanding of the scientific process. Independent intellectual critical thinking skills. Ability to communicate complex information clearly. Ability to learn and adapt in order to execute experiments, meet scientific goals and deliver on project aims. Ability to learn new methods and approaches and contribute to developing new methods, trouble shoot, solve problems and find creative solutions. Ability to assess resource requirements and use resources effectively. Ability to contribute to the planning and organising of the research programme and specific research project. Ability to co-ordinate own work with others to avoid conflict or duplication of effort. Excellent team-work attitude, readiness to learn from others and to teach others and contribute to common scientific goals.
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